Camels | Reimagined. Reinstalled. Reopening.

Camels Archives - Page 2 of 6 - Reimagined. Reinstalled. Reopening.


Mary Lou Barton

Debbie Getchell 9 years old, Gunnar Getchell 7 years old – taken October 1965.


Malcolm S Saunders

When my sisters, brother and I were growing up we visited the art museum from time to time and always made a stop at the camels. Here are two photos. One of the four of us Saunders kids about 1958 and another of our mother Helen about 1928 with the real thing in China. The camels had just finished delivering a load of coal for home heating.


Amanda Nelson

My dad and I in 1996. He grew up a few blocks from here and we were visiting his old neighborhood!


Carolyn Corvi

Photo for the invitation to a holiday party at SAAM. December 2003.


Sandy Thor

My children (Paul and Rory Tripp) and I had season tickets to the Disney movies for a number of seasons.


Leslie Lamoreux Holmes

On the right in this photo is my grandmother Eunice Coble Lamoreux, who did volunteer work with SAM. It is undated, but from her “New Look” suit and hat it obviously is from the post WWII era. I found the photo when I was cleaning out my parent’s house after my father died.


Meg Gray

My kids love the camels all through their years visiting SAAM.


Natalie Rasmussen

This was taken at least 15 years ago, when I took a friend visiting from England (backwards on camel) to the museum. I grew up going to Volunteer Park with my family so it always holds good memories.


Tina Koyama

Greg and I were married on Oct. 14, 1989. About a month before the wedding, we visited several favorite Seattle locations with our photographer Shel Izen to capture fun and scenic moments. One of our early dates was seeing a film at SAM. We are still members and continue to enjoy exhibits at both museums. (My Converse hightops are red; Greg’s bowling shoes are red and green, and he is also wearing a Puyallup Fair hat.)